Anna Maria Island Fishing Report: Captain Aaron Lowman-01-29-2014

Anna Maria Island Fishing Report-Pompano
Captain Aaron Lowman – Fishing Report – February 5, 2014
Captain Aaron – (941)-465-8932
—–During the calm days of January and early February we have been able to locate beautiful, big pompano on several occasions. They tend to move in schools along sandy bottoms and shorelines where there is ample tide movement. Donald Wallace from Atlanta and his twin brother, David, from Knoxville were with me last week when the pompano were biting.
—–Once you are lucky enough to locate them, you have a good chance of getting more than one. Light tackle is the name of this game. 8 or 10 pound test line with a clear, fluorocarbon leader in the 20 pound test range along with a colorful lead headed jig makes a great terminal setup.
—–Pompano will respond to chum. After catching one, I like to start chumming the area with pieces of shrimp. I usually throw out a few pieces before every cast and also tip my jig with a piece of the shrimp. Two of the many reasons we love catching pompano are: (1) They put up a “big fish” fight on light tackle and (2) they are outstanding table fare.
—–In fact, we had some pompano fillets for dinner last night. Here’s how we did it. Dry your fillets. In separate bowl, mix 2 Tbsp. of mayonnaise, 2 tsp. of shredded Parmesan cheese and 2 Tbsp. of Italian bread crumbs. Mix these ingredients together then spread on top of pompano fillets. Place oven rack within 12″ of broiler and broil for 5-6 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with some lemon. Yum.