Anna Maria Island Fishing Report – Captain Aaron Lowman -12-12-14

Anna Maria Island Fishing Report
Kingfish Trolling
Captain Aaron Lowman – Fishing Report – December 12, 2014
Captain Aaron – (941)-465-8932
—With the cold comes the kingfish, and 50-60 ft. structures off of Anna Maria Island, Florida have been holding them.
—Usually after finding the structure, try to troll 5-6 knots in circles around the perimeter of the structure. If a ball of bait is found during your trolling pattern, get ready!
—I have been using a wire leader with any lipped diving plug. Lately, 6-8 pounders have been common, but if you try hard enough, maybe you will be the one to snatch up a 30 pounder!
—Kingfish are hard-fighters, and although oily in taste and texture, they are some of the best fish for smoking. So get out there, give it a try, and have fun!