Anna Maria Island Fishing – Charter Captain Aaron Lowman – 05-16-15

Anna Maria Island Fishing Charter
Captain Aaron Lowman – Fishing Report – May 16, 2015
Blackfin Tuna
Captain Aaron – (941) 465-8932
—Over the last month or so, a fascinating “bite” has been happening 20 to 35 miles offshore from Anna Maria Island. Large schools of bait have been “balled-up” near a few offshore structures and have attracted blackfin tuna to the area. Although we catch blackfin tuna occassionally, this is the first time I remember being able to leave the dock on several occasions with tuna firmly fixed in our minds as the “target” species of the trip.
—We have caught them trolling and casting 5-7″ floating plugs, like Bombers and Yo-Zuri’s. Live shiners have worked well, and we have used sabiki rigs to get some native bait from the offshore structures.
—I don’t know how long the tuna will stay around, but their arrival has been exciting and fun. Got wasabi??
- James Ellis from England was casting a Yo-Zuri surface lure.
- Capt. Aaron Lowman took this tuna on live bait.
- Dale Conlon, Dan Jackson and Aaron Lowman had a great day.