Anna Maria Island Fishing Report – January 2018
Anna Maria Island Fishing Guide
Captain Aaron Lowman – January, 2018
—January in Cortez, Florida is the height of stone crab season. The commercial fisherman who make a living catching stone crabs usually have several hundred, to several thousand traps in the water at any given time. Each of these traps is marked with a unique identifying float. These floats are what I am interested in.
Read MoreAnna Maria Island Fishing Report – December 2017
Anna Maria Island Fishing Guide
Captain Aaron Lowman – December, 2017
Grouper, Hogfish, Snapper
—What a month here on Anna Maria Island. December of 2017 was one for the books. Near perfect fishing weather most of the month allowed me to escape the confines of Tampa Bay, and plow some of the the nearshore reefs and ledges.
Read MoreAnna Maria Island Fishing – August 30, 2016
Anna Maria Charter Fishing Guide
Captain Aaron Lowman – August 30, 2016
Redfish, Flounder, Snook
Lots of trout on shallow flats around Anna Maria.
Looking for combo of moving, clear water, and bait presence.
Great numbers, 1 out of 10 is a big fish.
Also finding schools of jacks, mangrove snapper, and bluefish mixed in.
Anna Maria Island Fishing Guide – June 1, 2016
Anna Maria Island Fishing Guide
Captain Aaron Lowman – June 1, 2016
Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay, Anna Maria Island Waters
Tarpon, Snook, Grouper
—Tarpon bite still going strong. With all the pressure in the pass, I’m looking in the bay and on the beach for less pressured fish. Using long, light leaders, and burning a little gas, I’m catching fish away from the big crowds.
—Mackerel, trout, and snook have been good on bigger tides of the week inshore.
—Gag grouper bite has been on fire. Catching them in as little as 10ft of water inshore, out to 9miles. Snapper mixed in have been big, not a ton, but nice ones.
- Cobia Doubleheader
- Jack Crevalle
- Snook
Anna Maria Island Tarpon Fishing – May 21, 2016
Anna Maria Island Tarpon Fishing
Captain Aaron Lowman – May 21, 2016
Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay, Anna Maria Island Waters
—Tarpon fishing is in full swing now, and multi-fish days are not uncommon. Yesterday, my clients and I witnessed a huge hammerhead shark attack one of our tarpon in shallow water. See this amazing footage below.